MEGIVO 毛孩經歷分享活動

MEGIVO 毛孩經歷分享活動

【 毛孩經歷分享 】MEGIVO送你天然消毒水製造器

Question: What is your most interest experience with your pets?

1)在本帖文分享 你作為主人與寵物的最有趣經歷 
Leave your most interesting experience with pets which may resonate with us in the post.

"SHARE" the post on Facebook

最有共鳴感的答案即有機會獲得MEGIVO Magic + 天然消毒水製造機乙份!頭三名都可以獲得半價購買價惠Magic+(將個別通知),快啲叫埋朋友仔一齊參加啦!
The MEGIVO fans page will base on the best of submitted answer, pick up most interesting experience we resonate within the answers to get a MEGIVO Magic+ Sterilizing Water Maker as prize. 
Top 3 fans we selected can enjoy 50%off discount to purchase Magic. (Will inform separately)

獎品 Prizes:

MEGIVO Magic + Sterilizing Water Maker


Terms and conditions

1) 參加者須同意接受此活動之一切條款及細則。
All participants agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions.

2) 每位參加者須於Facebook 留言答案及分享此活動帖子
Participator should "Leave a answer" and "SHARE" the post on Facebook.

3) 提交的答案如有抄襲及重複參加者,其參加資格將被取消。
If the submitted answer are plagiarism and repeated, the qualification will be cancelled.

4) 活動日期由即日起至2022年7月23日晚上11時59分
The event will start at now and last until 11:59 pm on July 23, 2022.

5) MEGIVO專頁將根據參加者提交之答案內容選出共1位最有共鳴感的答案,得獎者將獲得Magic+ 天然消毒水製造器 乙個,三名都可以獲得半價購買價惠Magic+(將個別通知),快啲叫埋朋友仔一齊參加啦!
The MEGIVO fans page will base on the best of submitted answer, pick up most interesting experience we resonate within the answers to get a MEGIVO Magic+ Sterilizing Water Maker as prize. Top 3 fans we selected can enjoy 50%off discount to purchase Magic. (Will inform separately)

6) 得獎名單將於2022年7月29日或以後於 網站內公佈,得獎者將由專人以 IG/FB 通知領獎詳情。
The winners list will be publish on the website after July 29, 2022, and the winners will receive the details from IG/FB message.

7) 如未能聯絡或資料出錯令得獎者未能如期領取獎品,主辦機構概不負責,獎品將不獲補發或作廢。
If the winners cannot be contacted or is not available, the prize will not be reissued. MEGIVO Fans Page may instead offer the prizes to the next eligible entrant.

8) 所有獎品不得更換、退回、轉讓或兌換現金。
All prize cannot be replaced, retracted, refunded, redeemed for cash.

9) 優惠不可與其他優惠、折扣及現金券同時使用。
The offer cannot be used in conjunction with other promotion offers, discount and cash coupons.

10) 獎品將以順豐快遞方式寄送予得獎者,運費由得獎方到付。
Prize will delivery by SF Express. Delivery fee will Pay on arrival.

11) MEGIVO專頁將保留對此推廣活動及獎品之條款及細則的修改權利,任何改動將於 網上公開發佈,不另作通知。
MEGIVO Fans Page reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. In the event that any changes are made, the revised terms and conditions shall be posted on this website immediately.

12) 如有任何爭議,MEGIVO專頁保留最終決定權。
In case of any disputes, the decision of MEGIVO Fans Page shall be final.

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